Monday, August 30, 2010

4-H Kickoff Event, Club Carnival a Blast!

Over 200 people joined Orange County 4-H at the third annual 4-H Kickoff Event on Saturday, August 28th. This year’s club carnival was hosted at the Orange County Extension Education Center with a luau theme and was a smashing success. Nine clubs and the Orange County 4-H County Council staffed “booths” inside and outside the Extension Exhibit Hall allowing 4-H projects to “come to life” with fun activities that showcased the many opportunities youth have with 4-H club membership.

Outside there were even more activities including a 24 foot rock wall, archery demonstration, water shooting gallery, and steer/calf roping. A favorite treat was the tropically inspired Hawaiian Ices complete with mini umbrellas and beach music.

If you didn’t make it this year you will definitely have to plan now to be there next year, this is becoming a larger-than-life event for 4-Hers and families in Orange County interested in becoming members of our family!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

District 8 Wins Spirit Stick & Change Wars!

District 8, which Orange County is a part of, won the Spirit Stick, as well as Change Wars, during 2010 Congress Camp. Congratulations to all members of District 8! We truly are H-O-T Hot!

-Erin Maio, Orange County Reporter

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Cloverbud Fun Day @ OC 4-H!

The STARS were out at Orange County Extension Education Center today to celebrate the first Cloverbud Fun Day. Cloverbuds who achieved the OC 4-H Standards of Excellence for the 2009-2010 club year were invited to attend this Event along with their siblings and parents.

OC 4-H cloverbuds, the youngest members of the OC 4-H family, were treated to popcorn and other concessions and were the guests of honor as they screened a movie in their own private movie theater! So what does it take to be a Cloverbud Star? OC 4-H Standards of Excellence at the Cloverbud Level includes the following:

  • completing a show and tell activity with your 4-H club
  • attending at least 2/3rds of your club meetins
  • completing at least one cloverbud workbook or project book
  • completing a WILDCARD event (Share the Fun, County Events, or Central Florida Fair)
  • completing the Standards of Excellence application by May 2, 2011.

Congratulations to Jeremy of Junior Master Garderners 4-H Club, Ellen, MaryBrian, and Vivian of City Farmer's 4-H Club!