Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Cloverbud Fun Day @ OC 4-H!

The STARS were out at Orange County Extension Education Center today to celebrate the first Cloverbud Fun Day. Cloverbuds who achieved the OC 4-H Standards of Excellence for the 2009-2010 club year were invited to attend this Event along with their siblings and parents.

OC 4-H cloverbuds, the youngest members of the OC 4-H family, were treated to popcorn and other concessions and were the guests of honor as they screened a movie in their own private movie theater! So what does it take to be a Cloverbud Star? OC 4-H Standards of Excellence at the Cloverbud Level includes the following:

  • completing a show and tell activity with your 4-H club
  • attending at least 2/3rds of your club meetins
  • completing at least one cloverbud workbook or project book
  • completing a WILDCARD event (Share the Fun, County Events, or Central Florida Fair)
  • completing the Standards of Excellence application by May 2, 2011.

Congratulations to Jeremy of Junior Master Garderners 4-H Club, Ellen, MaryBrian, and Vivian of City Farmer's 4-H Club!

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